Review of the book: Leading Beyond the Ego – How to Become a Transpersonal Leader

The time has come when more and more people realize that leadership from yesterday will not be the same as leadership of tomorrow.

The old ego-driven model is no longer adequate and something new has to emerge. That is what Leading Beyond the Ego is offering its readers. To understand what it means to lead beyond the ego is simply to minimize the I and Me and be willing to practice all the competencies that support becoming an authentic, ethical, caring leader who can make good decisions, become more effective and contribute to the greater good.

The competencies and skills to become a Transpersonal Leader are Rational Intelligence (RI), Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Spiritual Intelligence (SI). These three intelligences are well described, both in theory and in practice. They are interwoven and give the reader a holistic understanding of leadership of tomorrow. A clear message is to understand the importance of empathy and ethical behaviour. While reading the book the reader will also be confronted with questions that we do not normally ask ourselves.

Anyone can become A Transpersonal Leader and therefore the book offers a lot to practitioners, students and scholars.

Marika Ronty
Registered psychologist Sweden

More about the book.